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Dossier de pré-inscription POEC

Veuillez remplir le formulaire suivant pour participer à la formation préparatoire au TEP BPJEPS Glisses Aérotractées et Disciplines Associées.

Your level of education or training

Professional Situation

Sports situation

Fully funded by AFDAS and Pôle Emploi

I, the undersigned)

certifies the accuracy of the information provided and requests my registration with the POEC sports educator.

Article L.212-1 of sport provides that all crimes, certain specially listed offenses as well as measures relating to collective reception of minors generate a situation of total or partial incapacity for the person concerned. This legal incapacity applies automatically to any individual subject to one of the convictions or measures without it being necessary for the administration to adopt a measure prohibiting practice.


I certify that I have not been convicted of a crime or of one of the offenses listed in article L.212-1 of sport.

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Merci pour votre envoi !

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